Sunday 23 February 2020

Grade 7 Note on Moderate Spending

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Grade 7 Note on Battle of Confederates

Please copy the link given below and paste in a new window for note on the lesson Battle of Confederates

Sunday 26 January 2020

Grade VIII Divine Decree and Predestination

Please click on this link to get Note on Divine Decree

Grade 7 People in the Shade of the Most Gracious

The People in the Shade of the Most Gracious

Learning Objectives
     Memorize Noble Hadith
     Explain reasons for winning the Shade of Allah glory to Him
 Infer the effect of the fear of Allah in individuals and Society’s life. 

Noble Hadith:
Accordin g to Abu Hurairah , may Allah be pleased with him, The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Seven people Allah will give them His Shade on the Day when there would be no shade but His Shade :  a  just  imam;  a  youth  who grew up  with  the worship of Allah;  a  person  whose heart is attached to mosques, two men who love and meet each other and depart from  each  other for the sake of Allah; a man who is seduced by a beautiful woman of high status, but he rejects this offer and says: ' I fear Allah' ; a man who gives in charity and conceals it to such an extent that the left hand does not know what the right has given; and a man who remembers Allah in solitude and his eyes become tearful ."   [narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Key Words:
إِمامُ عادِل                           The ruler, including anyone who is delegated by the ruler some authorities in relation to the affairs of Muslims.
               دَعَتْه       Invited to commit immorality.
                     ذاتُ مَنْصَب Have a high position.
     فاضَتْ عَيْناه His eyes become full of tears out of fear of Allah, glory to Him.

1.     Compare the condition of the believers and disbelievers on the Day of Judgment?
On the Day of Judgment everyone will be brought in a place where they get sunlight and they will need a shade to get rid of the warmth of sun. On that day good believer who feared Allah will get Shade of Allah (SWT). 
2.     Who is a “Just Ruler”?
Ans:  A just ruler is one who rules with justice, maintains the interests of people, protects them from dangers and provides them with safety and security.
3.     What is the effect of the ruler's justice on society, as you understand it from the example of the Second Caliph Omar, may Allah pleased with him?
Ans: When the ruler is just on society he feels comfort and security in his life. In the When the messenger of Kisra saw the Commander of the Believers Omar bin AI-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, sleeping under a tree, he said: "0 Omar! You ruled with justice, and so you slept without fear."
4.     Write as many reasons as you can which you expect made the Prophet, peace be upon him, talk specifically about the youth?
Ans: a) Youth are having more energy and power
b) Youth are more exposed to sins
c) The one who brought up as good in a young age will be good in later periods
5.     Write a list of things that help the youth remain virtuous, righteous and obedient to Allah, glory be to Him?
Ans:a)  Fear of Allah, observing Allah and trust upon Him
b) Gaining useful knowledge, cherishing parents
c) Good company
d) Sincere repentance, Visiting graveyards of Muslims.

6.     Why did the Messenger peace be upon him counted the man who is connected with Masjid as one among who gets shades of Allah?
Ans: a person whose heart is attached to mosques; he loves the masjid which are houses of Allah, maintains their sanctity and always performs the prayers in them with a group.
7.     What should you do for your friend whom you lik e in the following cases?
lf you see him beating the janitor of the school.
 I will convince him that his action is wrong
If he is absent from school because he is sick.
I will visit him and help him to complete missed lessons
If you receive rumors about him through social media.
I will reject rumors and will not spread it
If he wins Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Disting uished Academic Performance.
 I will congratulate him and pray for him for blessings

8.     What is the implication of the saying by the Prophet, peace be upon him, " to such an extent that the left hand does not know what the right has given"?
Ans. Charity should be kept as secret because Allah loves the charity given as secret than a charity given in public.
9.     There are many deeds that involve remembering Allah, glory be to Him. I specify three of them and explain how I perform them:
Deeds that involve remembering Allah, glory be to Him

How I perform them
 With Khushoo (fearing Allah) and completing all      the conditions and rites
  Quran recitation
 With reflection and understanding
With politeness and humbleness

10.    What is moral value that featured in all deeds mentioned in the hadith despite their different forms?
Ans. Fear of Allah and will to get the pleasure of the Lord.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Grade XI Social Controls

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Saturday 16 November 2019

Grade VIII Social Cohesion

· Infer the concept of social cohesion. 
· Define fields of social cohesion. 
· Infer means that help achieve social cohesion 
1. What has Imam Al Shafe’i told about modest people? 
A:- Imam Al Shafe’i said: 
Modest people help others as they know that man’s fortune comes and goes. 
The best among people are those through whose hands the needs of others are fulfilled. 
Never refuse to do someone a favour if you possible, because your fortune will one day change. 
And thank Allah because he made others need your help rather than you in need of their help. 
2. Explain the concept of social cohesion in Islam. 
A: It means Establishing a strongly connected society based on love and cooperation. 
3. Describe the significance of social cohesion in Islam. 
A: Social cohesion is essential for ensuring the strength, security and stability of society. It is one of the characteristics of Islamic society; the Prophet (S.A) said: 
“The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body; when one of the limbs suffers, the whole body 
responds to it with wakefulness and fever.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim] 
4. What are the fields of social cohesion? 
A: Fields of social cohesion are: 
a) Family cohesion 
b) Cohesion among members of society 
c) Cohesion between the ruler and people 
5. How can we be compassionate among family members? 
A: Islam paid big attention to the family and called to strengthening bonds among its members so that they constitute a happy cohesive family in which the father, mother, children as well as other relatives enjoy love and harmony. Allah (S.W.T) said: 
(And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy) 
6. Narrate a hadith about supporting your family. 
A:- The Prophet (S.A) said: ”A dinar you spend for the sake of Allah; a dinar you spend to free a slave; a dinar you give as charity to a needy person; and a dinar you spend to support your family; the one yielding the greatest reward is that which you spend on your family. [Narrated by Muslim] 
7. Why is it important in Islam to take care of parents? 
A: Allah (S.W.T) ordered us to do good for our parents. He said: 
انسحإ نيدلولٱبو هايإ لَّإ اودبعت لَّأ كبر ىضقو )
(And your Lord had decreed that you not worship except him, and to parents, good treatment). 
Cherishing one’s parents means obeying them, being gentle with them. Cherishing one’s parents after they are dead means supplicating to Allah to have mercy upon them, fulfilling their promises, visiting their relatives and honouring their friends. All of this makes the relationship with them one of love and harmony. 
8. How can a Muslim maintain ties of kinship? 
A: The Muslim maintains the ties of kinship through the following: 
Visiting one’s relatives, answering their invitations, doing good deeds for them, protecting them from harm, visiting the sick among them, participating in their celebrations, consoling them at times of grief, forgiving the wrongdoer among them, respecting their elders, having mercy upon their children and offering money to the poor among them as the reward will be doubled for those who maintain the ties of kinship and take care of the poor. The messenger of Allah (S.W.T) said: “Giving charity to a poor person is charity, and giving to a relative is two things, charity and maintaining the ties of kinship. 
9. Is it important to treat your neighbours well? 
A: Islam instructed us to do good to neighbours. The prophet (S.A) said: “He who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should treat his neighbours with kindness. This is achieved by treating them well, attending their celebrations, consoling them at times of grief and presenting gifts to them. 
10. Narrate meaning of a hadith related to social compassion. 
A: “A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him. He who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet his needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Judgment. He who did not expose the follies of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his follies on the Day of Judgment.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
11. How can we be good to non - Muslims? 
A:- Doing good to non-Muslims involves being kind to the weak, meeting the needs of the poor and feeding the hungry among them, talking nicely to them, praying for their right guidance and happiness, safeguarding their wealth and honour, protecting all their rights, helping them defend themselves against oppression and not forcing them to convert to Islam. Allah (S.W.T) said: 

(There shall be no compulsion in acceptance of the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.) [Al-Baqarah: 256].

Grade VIII Maintaining Ties of Kinship

Islamic notes Grade VIII Unit 6 Chapter 2 
Maintaining the ties of Kinship 
Learning Objectives:- 
Enumerate the merits of maintaining ties of kinship in Islam. 
Deduce the reward of maintaining the ties of kinship in this world and in the Hereafter. 
Key Words:- 
Textbook [Page number- 267] 
Question and Answers: 
Q1- Explain meaning of kinship. 
A1- Kinship means relatives on the sides of both the father and the mother; namely the parents and their parents up in several levels, the children and their children down in several levels, the brothers and their children, the sisters and their children, and uncles and aunts. 
Q2- Identify rights of kinship in Islam through a noble hadith. 
A2: Islam urged us to maintain good and close ties with them. The Prophet (SAW) said: 
“Learn enough about your lineage to facilitate keeping your ties of kinship. For indeed keeping the ties of kinship encourages affection among the relatives, increases the wealth, and increases the lifespan.” [Narrated by Al Tirmidhi’]. 
Q3- What has Allah (SWT) guided us to do, for maintaining the ties of kinship in Surat-un- Nisa? 
A3- Allah (SWT) has said: 
اسملاو ىماتيلاو ىبرقلا يذبو اناسحإ نيدلاولابو ائيش هب اوكرشت لاو اللّ اودبعاو{ ىبرقلا يذ راجلاو نيك تكلم امو ليبسلا نباو بنجلاب بحاصلاو بنجلا راجلاو }اروخف لااتخم ناك نم بحي لا اللّ نإ مكناميأ :ءاسنلا[ 36 ] 
(Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the 
companion at your side, the traveler; and those whom your right hand possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self deluding and boastful.) [An Nisa’:36]. 
In this Ayah when Allah (SWT) after ruling of His worship, commanded us to do good deeds to the parents, He ordered to do the same with relatives and other deserving people. 
Q4- Write an authentic hadeeth about benefits of maintaining the ties of kinship. 
نع سَنَأ نْب ك لاَم هنع الله يضر « :َلاَق ،َمَّلَسَو هْيَلَع ُالله ىَّلَص الله َلوُسَر َّنَأ ُهَل َطَسْبُ ي ْنَأ َّبَحَأ ْنَم فِ ُهَل َأَسْنُ يَو ، ه قْز ر فِ »ُهَ حَِر ْل صَيْلَ ف ه رَثَأ )ملسمو يراخبلا هاور( 
Anas bin Malik (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: “He who desires ample provisions and his life be prolonged should maintain good ties with his blood relations”. [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
Q5-Explore the meaning of “ample provisions” and “prolonged life” (blesses lifespan) in the above Hadith. 
A5- The word “provisions” in the hadith means two things: reward and forgiveness in the hereafter, and the provision in this world, including wealth, health, children, peace of mind, guidance by Allah (SWT), good reputation and useful knowledge. 
And “prolonged life” or “blessed life span” here means having enough time for doing good deeds that help man in the Hereafter and bring benefits to the society in this world, mastering one’s work and earning the living of the person and their dependents. 
Q6- Explain how Islam emphasize being good to all blood relations. 
A6- Our religion urged us to maintain cohesion and harmony of hearts by keeping good ties with our kinship and considered this, one of the signs of faith. The messenger of Allah (SWT) said: 
“He who believes in Allah (SWT) and the Day of Judgment should maintain ties with his kinship”. [Narrated by Al Bukhari] 
Q7- How can a Muslim maintain ties of kinship? 
A7- The Muslim can maintain the ties of kinship by doing good deeds, such as visiting his relatives continuously, answering their invitations, doing them favors, protecting them from harm, visiting the sick among them, inquiring about the needy among them, respecting their elders, showing mercy towards their little ones, forgiving their mistakes and paying charity to the poor among them. Allah (SWT) said: 
} ليبسلا نباو نيكسملاو هقح ىبرقلا اذ تآو{ :ءارسلإا[ 26 ] 
(And give the relative his right, and also the poor and the traveler) [Al Isra’:26] 
Q8- What are the merits of maintaining the ties of kinship? 
A8- Abu Ayoub Al Ansari (RA) reported that a man came to the Prophet (SAW) and said: “Direct to me a deed which draws me near to Paradise and takes me away from the fire.” Upon this the Prophet (SAW) said: 
“You worship Allah (SWT) and never Associate anything with HIM, perform prayer, pay Zakat, and do good to your kin.” When he turned his back, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) remarked: “If he adheres to do what he has been ordered to do, he would enter paradise.” [Narrated by Muslim]. 
Q9- What is the reward for maintaining ties of kinship? 
Q9- Allah (SWT) gives the Muslim reward for maintaining ties of kinship in this world, in addition to the reward he will receive on the Day of Judgment. This is because maintaining the ties of kinship is one of the best good deeds which bring one closer to Allah (SWT). The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: 
“The most quickly rewarded of good deeds is maintaining ties of kinship.”[ Narrated by Al Baihaki ]. 
Q10- How does a Muslim get ample provisions and blessed lifespan? 

A10-The messenger of Allah (SWT) explained in more than one hadith that maintaining ties of kinship results in ample provisions blessed lifespan for the Muslim.