Saturday 16 November 2019

Grade VIII Maintaining Ties of Kinship

Islamic notes Grade VIII Unit 6 Chapter 2 
Maintaining the ties of Kinship 
Learning Objectives:- 
Enumerate the merits of maintaining ties of kinship in Islam. 
Deduce the reward of maintaining the ties of kinship in this world and in the Hereafter. 
Key Words:- 
Textbook [Page number- 267] 
Question and Answers: 
Q1- Explain meaning of kinship. 
A1- Kinship means relatives on the sides of both the father and the mother; namely the parents and their parents up in several levels, the children and their children down in several levels, the brothers and their children, the sisters and their children, and uncles and aunts. 
Q2- Identify rights of kinship in Islam through a noble hadith. 
A2: Islam urged us to maintain good and close ties with them. The Prophet (SAW) said: 
“Learn enough about your lineage to facilitate keeping your ties of kinship. For indeed keeping the ties of kinship encourages affection among the relatives, increases the wealth, and increases the lifespan.” [Narrated by Al Tirmidhi’]. 
Q3- What has Allah (SWT) guided us to do, for maintaining the ties of kinship in Surat-un- Nisa? 
A3- Allah (SWT) has said: 
اسملاو ىماتيلاو ىبرقلا يذبو اناسحإ نيدلاولابو ائيش هب اوكرشت لاو اللّ اودبعاو{ ىبرقلا يذ راجلاو نيك تكلم امو ليبسلا نباو بنجلاب بحاصلاو بنجلا راجلاو }اروخف لااتخم ناك نم بحي لا اللّ نإ مكناميأ :ءاسنلا[ 36 ] 
(Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the 
companion at your side, the traveler; and those whom your right hand possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self deluding and boastful.) [An Nisa’:36]. 
In this Ayah when Allah (SWT) after ruling of His worship, commanded us to do good deeds to the parents, He ordered to do the same with relatives and other deserving people. 
Q4- Write an authentic hadeeth about benefits of maintaining the ties of kinship. 
نع سَنَأ نْب ك لاَم هنع الله يضر « :َلاَق ،َمَّلَسَو هْيَلَع ُالله ىَّلَص الله َلوُسَر َّنَأ ُهَل َطَسْبُ ي ْنَأ َّبَحَأ ْنَم فِ ُهَل َأَسْنُ يَو ، ه قْز ر فِ »ُهَ حَِر ْل صَيْلَ ف ه رَثَأ )ملسمو يراخبلا هاور( 
Anas bin Malik (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: “He who desires ample provisions and his life be prolonged should maintain good ties with his blood relations”. [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
Q5-Explore the meaning of “ample provisions” and “prolonged life” (blesses lifespan) in the above Hadith. 
A5- The word “provisions” in the hadith means two things: reward and forgiveness in the hereafter, and the provision in this world, including wealth, health, children, peace of mind, guidance by Allah (SWT), good reputation and useful knowledge. 
And “prolonged life” or “blessed life span” here means having enough time for doing good deeds that help man in the Hereafter and bring benefits to the society in this world, mastering one’s work and earning the living of the person and their dependents. 
Q6- Explain how Islam emphasize being good to all blood relations. 
A6- Our religion urged us to maintain cohesion and harmony of hearts by keeping good ties with our kinship and considered this, one of the signs of faith. The messenger of Allah (SWT) said: 
“He who believes in Allah (SWT) and the Day of Judgment should maintain ties with his kinship”. [Narrated by Al Bukhari] 
Q7- How can a Muslim maintain ties of kinship? 
A7- The Muslim can maintain the ties of kinship by doing good deeds, such as visiting his relatives continuously, answering their invitations, doing them favors, protecting them from harm, visiting the sick among them, inquiring about the needy among them, respecting their elders, showing mercy towards their little ones, forgiving their mistakes and paying charity to the poor among them. Allah (SWT) said: 
} ليبسلا نباو نيكسملاو هقح ىبرقلا اذ تآو{ :ءارسلإا[ 26 ] 
(And give the relative his right, and also the poor and the traveler) [Al Isra’:26] 
Q8- What are the merits of maintaining the ties of kinship? 
A8- Abu Ayoub Al Ansari (RA) reported that a man came to the Prophet (SAW) and said: “Direct to me a deed which draws me near to Paradise and takes me away from the fire.” Upon this the Prophet (SAW) said: 
“You worship Allah (SWT) and never Associate anything with HIM, perform prayer, pay Zakat, and do good to your kin.” When he turned his back, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) remarked: “If he adheres to do what he has been ordered to do, he would enter paradise.” [Narrated by Muslim]. 
Q9- What is the reward for maintaining ties of kinship? 
Q9- Allah (SWT) gives the Muslim reward for maintaining ties of kinship in this world, in addition to the reward he will receive on the Day of Judgment. This is because maintaining the ties of kinship is one of the best good deeds which bring one closer to Allah (SWT). The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: 
“The most quickly rewarded of good deeds is maintaining ties of kinship.”[ Narrated by Al Baihaki ]. 
Q10- How does a Muslim get ample provisions and blessed lifespan? 

A10-The messenger of Allah (SWT) explained in more than one hadith that maintaining ties of kinship results in ample provisions blessed lifespan for the Muslim.


  1. 10.Explain the significance of the given Hadith. Provide related reference from Quran or Hadith. Give real life application suggesting the ways of how can a person maintain the ties of kinship.
    Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: "He who desires ample provisions and his life be prolonged should maintain good ties with his blood relations.' (Bukhari and Muslim)

  2. If our son or daughter fights with us and cuts their relationship with parents, do parents also fall in the category cutting the relationship with kin ?
