Saturday 16 November 2019

Grade VIII Social Cohesion

· Infer the concept of social cohesion. 
· Define fields of social cohesion. 
· Infer means that help achieve social cohesion 
1. What has Imam Al Shafe’i told about modest people? 
A:- Imam Al Shafe’i said: 
Modest people help others as they know that man’s fortune comes and goes. 
The best among people are those through whose hands the needs of others are fulfilled. 
Never refuse to do someone a favour if you possible, because your fortune will one day change. 
And thank Allah because he made others need your help rather than you in need of their help. 
2. Explain the concept of social cohesion in Islam. 
A: It means Establishing a strongly connected society based on love and cooperation. 
3. Describe the significance of social cohesion in Islam. 
A: Social cohesion is essential for ensuring the strength, security and stability of society. It is one of the characteristics of Islamic society; the Prophet (S.A) said: 
“The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body; when one of the limbs suffers, the whole body 
responds to it with wakefulness and fever.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim] 
4. What are the fields of social cohesion? 
A: Fields of social cohesion are: 
a) Family cohesion 
b) Cohesion among members of society 
c) Cohesion between the ruler and people 
5. How can we be compassionate among family members? 
A: Islam paid big attention to the family and called to strengthening bonds among its members so that they constitute a happy cohesive family in which the father, mother, children as well as other relatives enjoy love and harmony. Allah (S.W.T) said: 
(And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy) 
6. Narrate a hadith about supporting your family. 
A:- The Prophet (S.A) said: ”A dinar you spend for the sake of Allah; a dinar you spend to free a slave; a dinar you give as charity to a needy person; and a dinar you spend to support your family; the one yielding the greatest reward is that which you spend on your family. [Narrated by Muslim] 
7. Why is it important in Islam to take care of parents? 
A: Allah (S.W.T) ordered us to do good for our parents. He said: 
انسحإ نيدلولٱبو هايإ لَّإ اودبعت لَّأ كبر ىضقو )
(And your Lord had decreed that you not worship except him, and to parents, good treatment). 
Cherishing one’s parents means obeying them, being gentle with them. Cherishing one’s parents after they are dead means supplicating to Allah to have mercy upon them, fulfilling their promises, visiting their relatives and honouring their friends. All of this makes the relationship with them one of love and harmony. 
8. How can a Muslim maintain ties of kinship? 
A: The Muslim maintains the ties of kinship through the following: 
Visiting one’s relatives, answering their invitations, doing good deeds for them, protecting them from harm, visiting the sick among them, participating in their celebrations, consoling them at times of grief, forgiving the wrongdoer among them, respecting their elders, having mercy upon their children and offering money to the poor among them as the reward will be doubled for those who maintain the ties of kinship and take care of the poor. The messenger of Allah (S.W.T) said: “Giving charity to a poor person is charity, and giving to a relative is two things, charity and maintaining the ties of kinship. 
9. Is it important to treat your neighbours well? 
A: Islam instructed us to do good to neighbours. The prophet (S.A) said: “He who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should treat his neighbours with kindness. This is achieved by treating them well, attending their celebrations, consoling them at times of grief and presenting gifts to them. 
10. Narrate meaning of a hadith related to social compassion. 
A: “A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him. He who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet his needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Judgment. He who did not expose the follies of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his follies on the Day of Judgment.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
11. How can we be good to non - Muslims? 
A:- Doing good to non-Muslims involves being kind to the weak, meeting the needs of the poor and feeding the hungry among them, talking nicely to them, praying for their right guidance and happiness, safeguarding their wealth and honour, protecting all their rights, helping them defend themselves against oppression and not forcing them to convert to Islam. Allah (S.W.T) said: 

(There shall be no compulsion in acceptance of the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.) [Al-Baqarah: 256].

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