Sunday 26 January 2020

Grade 7 People in the Shade of the Most Gracious

The People in the Shade of the Most Gracious

Learning Objectives
     Memorize Noble Hadith
     Explain reasons for winning the Shade of Allah glory to Him
 Infer the effect of the fear of Allah in individuals and Society’s life. 

Noble Hadith:
Accordin g to Abu Hurairah , may Allah be pleased with him, The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Seven people Allah will give them His Shade on the Day when there would be no shade but His Shade :  a  just  imam;  a  youth  who grew up  with  the worship of Allah;  a  person  whose heart is attached to mosques, two men who love and meet each other and depart from  each  other for the sake of Allah; a man who is seduced by a beautiful woman of high status, but he rejects this offer and says: ' I fear Allah' ; a man who gives in charity and conceals it to such an extent that the left hand does not know what the right has given; and a man who remembers Allah in solitude and his eyes become tearful ."   [narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Key Words:
إِمامُ عادِل                           The ruler, including anyone who is delegated by the ruler some authorities in relation to the affairs of Muslims.
               دَعَتْه       Invited to commit immorality.
                     ذاتُ مَنْصَب Have a high position.
     فاضَتْ عَيْناه His eyes become full of tears out of fear of Allah, glory to Him.

1.     Compare the condition of the believers and disbelievers on the Day of Judgment?
On the Day of Judgment everyone will be brought in a place where they get sunlight and they will need a shade to get rid of the warmth of sun. On that day good believer who feared Allah will get Shade of Allah (SWT). 
2.     Who is a “Just Ruler”?
Ans:  A just ruler is one who rules with justice, maintains the interests of people, protects them from dangers and provides them with safety and security.
3.     What is the effect of the ruler's justice on society, as you understand it from the example of the Second Caliph Omar, may Allah pleased with him?
Ans: When the ruler is just on society he feels comfort and security in his life. In the When the messenger of Kisra saw the Commander of the Believers Omar bin AI-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, sleeping under a tree, he said: "0 Omar! You ruled with justice, and so you slept without fear."
4.     Write as many reasons as you can which you expect made the Prophet, peace be upon him, talk specifically about the youth?
Ans: a) Youth are having more energy and power
b) Youth are more exposed to sins
c) The one who brought up as good in a young age will be good in later periods
5.     Write a list of things that help the youth remain virtuous, righteous and obedient to Allah, glory be to Him?
Ans:a)  Fear of Allah, observing Allah and trust upon Him
b) Gaining useful knowledge, cherishing parents
c) Good company
d) Sincere repentance, Visiting graveyards of Muslims.

6.     Why did the Messenger peace be upon him counted the man who is connected with Masjid as one among who gets shades of Allah?
Ans: a person whose heart is attached to mosques; he loves the masjid which are houses of Allah, maintains their sanctity and always performs the prayers in them with a group.
7.     What should you do for your friend whom you lik e in the following cases?
lf you see him beating the janitor of the school.
 I will convince him that his action is wrong
If he is absent from school because he is sick.
I will visit him and help him to complete missed lessons
If you receive rumors about him through social media.
I will reject rumors and will not spread it
If he wins Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Disting uished Academic Performance.
 I will congratulate him and pray for him for blessings

8.     What is the implication of the saying by the Prophet, peace be upon him, " to such an extent that the left hand does not know what the right has given"?
Ans. Charity should be kept as secret because Allah loves the charity given as secret than a charity given in public.
9.     There are many deeds that involve remembering Allah, glory be to Him. I specify three of them and explain how I perform them:
Deeds that involve remembering Allah, glory be to Him

How I perform them
 With Khushoo (fearing Allah) and completing all      the conditions and rites
  Quran recitation
 With reflection and understanding
With politeness and humbleness

10.    What is moral value that featured in all deeds mentioned in the hadith despite their different forms?
Ans. Fear of Allah and will to get the pleasure of the Lord.

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