Tuesday 29 October 2019

Grade 7 Humbleness


 Pages for students activities: 123-131

Class VIl
Learning Objectives:
     Explain the concept of humbleness
     Infer areas of showing humbleness
     Deduce benefits of humbleness
     Support with examples from the life of the Messenger of Allah (SWA) and early Muslims

Meaning and explanation of vocabulary
Questions and answers are given below:
تواضُع                        Humbleness             
    كِبْرِيَاء             Pride  /  Arrogance
الهُون                 Humiliation
الهَون               Ease
Fill in the blanks:
1.     And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them harshly, they say words of peace
2.     O you who have believed, obey Allah and His Messenger and do not turn from him while you hear his order.
3.     He used to keep himself busy in serving his family, and when it was time for the prayer he would go out for prayer.

Think and answer:
Demonstrate humbleness with each of the following:

with teacher
I will obey and respect him
with father
Obey him and never act against him
with little brother
I will love and show mercy to him
the janitor
I will treat him nicely and will not create trouble for him
with neighbour
I will not harm him and know his rights
with classmates
I will not boast or scold them

Q1: Who is our role model in humbleness? How was his humbleness? 
The Messenger of Allah ( SWA) is our role model for humbleness. He did not distinguish himself from others in terms of food, drink, clothes or place of sitting; he sat on the ground, ate dates and barley bread and sat with the poor and the needy.
Q2. Write one Hadeeth that show humbleness of the Messenger of Allah (SAW)?
Aysha (R.A) was asked: What did the Prophet (SAW) use to do at home. She replied: He used to keep himself busy serving his family, and when it was time for the prayer, he would go out for prayer.  ( Narrated by Al-Bukhari) 
Q3. Write story of Abu Bakr( R.A) regarding humbleness?
Abu Bakr (R.A), first Caliph after the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to milk the sheep of his neighbours before he became Caliph. When he became Caliph, a girl from the neigbours said: He will not milk the sheep now. When Abu Bakr heard this comment, he said: I will do it, and I hope my new position will not change me.

Q4. Write one Hadeeth regarding the benefits of humbleness?
The Prophet (SWA) said: Anyone who  displays humbleness towards another seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah exalts him in ranks. (Narrated by Muslim)
Q5. What are the means that help humbleness?
a)     Believe that pride is an attribute of Allah.
b)    Fear Allah in terms arrogance and boasting
c)     Remind oneself that his wealth, knowledge and social status are gifts from Allah who must be thanked  for it,  if it is to last.
d)    Study the biography of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), his companions and other righteous people.
e)     Be keen on socializing with people and respecting them.
Q6. What is said by Nahyan Al Sultan bin Zayed regarding Humbleness?
My most important advice to my sons is to avoid arrogance. I believe that man’s high status will not diminish if he shows humbleness and respect of others more than they show him.

Q7. Define Humbleness?

Humbleness means not being arrogant with people or boasting ones wealth or social or academic status before them and dealing and cooperating with them respectfully despite being of a higher social or academic status.

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