Tuesday 1 October 2019

Grade 10 Notes, Jihad in the Cause of Allah

Learning Objectives

explain the concept of Jihad.

identify types of Jihad.

Explain Jihad against hypocrites and infidels

Explain snares of devil


1.Define  the following concepts

a)Jihad: The general meaning is exerting efforts to release as much energy as tolerable in good deeds and legitimate fields. The special meaning is ' fighting ' in the cause of Allah under the banner of the ruler.

b)guardian(وليّ الامر:Governor or  Ruler

c)Jihad against the soul and devil: Devil’s means of tempting man is desire and lust and both lie in the recesses of the human soul. The devil stirs innate desires in man and man responds to a pressing need and falls into the snare of lusts. Taking the  right  path  and  committing oneself firmly to the truth It is severed by satan

قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ(حجر


Iblis) said: "O my Lord! BecauseYou have put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the  wrong.

2..Answer the following questions

     a) What does the devil tempt people with?

Ans:Things they covet(الشهوات)

"Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet

     b)How to overcome these temptations?

Ans: It requires a  firm-footed  resolve and a sustainable effort to refrain from committing sins.

C)what is the major(big)sin?

Big sin is guilt by which doer will meet with punishment by Allah.

  There is no minor sin if one persists in it, and there is no major sin if it is followed by prayer for forgiveness.

d)what is meant by Forgiveness?

Confession of guilt and remorse and resort to God and unification(oneness)

e)The effect of this statement on Jihad against the soul and the devil

it is helpful to get rid off frustration and to create hopefulness in the mind , inspiration for repentance and resistance to devil’s snares.


e)what are the devil’s snares?

1.Whispering evil, 2.Spreading enimity and hatred, 3.Hindering people from embracing religion, 4.Self-destruction, 5.Destruction of morality,

f)Methods of Jihad against soul and evil?

1. Turning acts of devotion into a ceaseless task,

2. Seeking refuge(العيادة من الشيطان),

3.Patience and supplication(الصبروالدعاء)

4. ​Keep up with ablution always​

6. Sinful desires should be controlled by faith in Allah​

7. conquer evil inclinations within himself .​

8. purify the soul involves struggling against greed for worldly pleasures, hypocrisy and insincerity, hatred and envy, arrogance and pride.

9. keep always good words.10.Fasting 11.Recitation of Quran,12.Good friendship

3.Comment on the following

Jihad against hypocrites and infidels:

This Jihad is based on dialogue employing evidence, the ability to convince others, informing others of da'wa and answering questions put by people with knowledge, technical talk and  capability through civilized dialogue, avoidance of  coercion and fanaticism.جادلهم بالتي هي احسن(النحل   25)

" argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious"

The messenger" By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better for you than a whole lot of red camels"

The hypocrites lived in Madinah and the  Prophet,  Peace  be  upon him,did not kill a single  one  of  them. He even  did  not  mention  their names in public; but disclosed them to the keeper of his secrets, Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, May Allah be pleased with him. Hudhayfah did not tell any one about this even after the death of our Master Muhammad, Peace be upon him, to preserve social peace and public  interest. The Messenger Peace be upon him, gave priority to saving lives and guiding people to success, and this is goodness in its purest form, which is more lovable to Allah, Glory be to Him, and deserves the best reward.

   The Prophet(Peace and blessings upon him) said: "Who ever guides someone to goodness will have a similar reward "This Jihad is based on dialogue employing evidence, the ability to convince others. This is to release one’s effort in calling infidels to right path and correcting hypocrites via positive talks and dialogues using wisdom.

4.Modern methods of demonstrating of truth in Islam

     Dialogue employing scientific and logical proofs.

     Responding to suspicions and demonstrating their falsity via decisive arguments.

     Explaining the truth of Islam, and gleaning ambiguities surrounding this truth to negate misunderstanding on the part of researchers, students and the like.

     Revealing the falsity of allegations intended to spoil the image of Islam and demonstrating the hazards of these negations to Muslims.

     Presentation of histories on truthfulness with good preaching, logic and right argument

Explain:   “Allah, Glory be to Him, has not obligated us to strip ourselves of fantasies ; but to rein fantasies and keep them in check”

Understood from this: Allah will hold us accountable for what we do and choose, not for that is beyond of our control.

Relation to Reality: Mercy and neutrality of Islam

Justification/reason: Fantasy is natural but doer with intention will be punished

Back up your view with evidence: God doesn’t burden any soul beyond its scope

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