Sunday 28 April 2019

Grade VII Unit 4 Lesson 1 Note - Surat-Ar-Rahman

The Model School, Abu Dhabi
Note - Surat-Ar-Rahman
Unit 4 Lesson 1

Learning Objectives :

Explain the meanings of Qur'anic vocabulary.
Explain the overall meaning of the verses.
Infer manifestations of the mercy of Allah
Explain aspects of the greatness of Allah () through His gifts.

Quranic Vocabulary:

صَلْصَال     Dry Pottery
مارج         Flames
برزخ         Barrier
بالقسط        With Justice
الجوار        Ships
كالأعلام       Like Mountains
لؤلؤ          Pearls

Meaning of the portion :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Most Merciful (1) Taught the Qur'an, (2) Created man, (3) And taught him eloquence.
(4) The sun and the moon move by precise calculation, (5) And the stars and trees prostrate
(6) And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance (7) That you not transgress within
the balance. (8) And establish weight in justice and do not make deficit the balance. (9)
And the curth He laid out for the creatures. (10) Thereint fruit and palm trees having
sheaths of dates (11) And grain having husks and scented plants. (12) So which of the favors
of your Lord would you deny? (13) He created man from clay like that of pottery (14) And
He created the jinn from a smokeless frame of fire (15) So which of the favors of your Lord
would you deny? (16) He is Lord of the two sunrise and Lord of the two sunsets. (17) Sa
which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (18) He released the two seas, meeting side
by side (19) Between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses, (20) So which of the
favors of your Lord would you deny? (21) From both of them emerge pearl and coral (22)
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny (23) And to Him belong the ships with
sails elevated in the sea like mountains. (24) So which of the favors of your Lord would you
deny? (25) [Surat Ar-Rahman

Fill in the blanks:

  • Between them is a ___________________so neither of them transgresses
  •  From both of them emerge ________________and coral
  • And the heaven He raised and imposed the _________________
  • He is Lord of the two sunrise and Lord of the two ________________
  • .And to Him belong the ships with  ____________ elevated in the sea like mountains

Match the Following:
The balance used by merchant                       Volume
The balance used by clothe seller Weight
The balance used by seller of boxes and tanks Temperature
The balancing done by Judge of a court Testimonials
The balancing done by air conditioner Length

Answer the following :
  1. What is the benefit of having two sunrises and two sunsets?
It helps to have changes in weather. People on earth gets weathers of winter,
spring, summer and autumn.  
  1. What is the negative effects of modern ships in marine life?
It poses danger for marine life where it produces sound and
also causes threat of polluting marine water.
  1. What is the importance of justice in balance?
Allah (SWT) created sun and moon with precise calculation.
He created Heavens and balanced it. Then He ordered man
to keep balance in everything with justice and not to break balance.
As successor of Allah on earth, man is responsible for keeping balance with justice.
The Government of UAE is a very good example for keeping this balance.
The government made the country number one in palm tree plantations.
There are 40 million palm trees in UAE. It helps to keep balance against global warming.
  1. How can you prove that making every creatures subject to man is evidence on
  2. Oneness of Allah?
If there were more than one God men would not be given power on all creatures.
Each god will have separate realm of power and each realm of power
will be out of the control of the other god.
  1. Mention two seas as gift of Allah which proves His greatness?
Allah (SWT) created two seas one with pure water and another
with salt water. Although they are merging together Allah created
a unseen barrier between them so that both of water remains with its original taste.
Allah (SWT) also created pearls and corals in both water.  
  1. Mention ships travelling using sails as favour of Allah? What is man’s responsibility towards Allah’s favours?
Before invention of machines ships were travelling in the sea using big sails.
People used to navigate the ship in the sea with the help of wind sails. Allah (SWT) mentions
the movement of these ships in sea with sails like mountains as one of His favours.
Man is ordered to be thankful to Allah (SWT) using his favours in goodness.  

  1. Explain Holy Quran as Mercy of Allah?
Allah (SWT) told us about His gifts to people and His mercy upon them;
He revealed the Holy Qur'an to our Master Mohammad (SAW) and made it easy
for people to understand and memorize. He demonstrated in it good and evil,
what is halal and what is haram, and made it mercy and guidance for the worlds.

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