Sunday 28 April 2019

Grade 12 Unit IV Chapter 1 : Marriage is the path to Chastity Surat un Nur (32 – 34)

Islamic Studies Grade 12 Unit IV Chapter 1 :
Marriage is the path to Chastity Surat un Nur (32 – 34)

Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 32 to 34 of Surat un Nur of the
Holy Quran and adopt the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the measures for combatting adultery.

Competency : Critical Thinking Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1.What are the hazards associated with failure to facilitate marriage ?
(i) Spread of adultery and fornication. (ii) Children born out of wedlock. (iii)Spread of diseases.

2.Arabic Vocabulary
And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and
female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and
Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.
But let them who find not [the means for] marriage abstain [from sexual relations]
until Allah enriches them from His bounty. And those who seek a contract [for eventual emancipation]
from among whom your right hands possess - then make a contract with them if you know
there is within them goodness and give them from the wealth of Allah which He has given you.
And do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, if they desire chastity, to seek [thereby]
the temporary interests of worldly life. And if someone should compel them, then indeed,
Allah is [to them], after their compulsion, Forgiving and Merciful.

Word Meaning

Solitary A man or woman without a spouse
Your slaves A human being who is the property of another
Maid Servants A female slave
Keep chaste To diligently seek abstaining from fornication
Writing A contract between a slave and his owner on an amount of money to set the slave free
your slaves The male and female servants one possesses
Prostitution Fornication for an agreed sum of money

3. What are the measures that are to be taken to prevent fornication?
Islam promotes the prevention of the crime before it occurs. Measures stipulated by Islam are:
(i) Urging the youth to marry. (ii)Preserving chastity: If one is unable to get married, then he should try
to fast,
hoping Allah, will make his path to marriage easy. (iii) Prohibiting prostitution and all ways leading to it.

4. Prostitution is prohibited by human and international laws. Explain.
Prostitution is trading in sex managed by a group, headed by a criminal, who facilitates the process
and encourages others to engage in it, for materialistic interests and to gain power and authority.
It causes other crimes like abduction, coercion, murder and drug abuse, in addition to the humiliation
of human dignity.

5. Explain the concept of “Mukataba” contract.
Mukataba is a contract which gave the slaves the right to set themselves free, according to an
agreement between the two parties, the slave and the slave holder. Muslims were encouraged
to free slaves, or aid through their zakkaat in fulfilling the Mukataba contract.

6. What are some of the subjects, incorporated in the Holy Quran, from the following Holy verse :
And We have certainly sent down to you distinct verses and examples from those who passed
on before you and an admonition for those who fear Allah .
Some of the subjects which the ayah warns are about:
(1) State the laws concerning zina(fornication), qazf(false accusation of adultery)
and li’an(oath of condemnation).
(2) Forbid the believers to marry impure men or women.
(3) Prohibit the slandering of chaste people and propagating indecencies in
(4) Lay stress on men and women to restrain their gaze and guard their private
(5) Prescribe the limits of Hijab for women.
(6) Disapprove of delaying marriage.
(7) Lay down the rule for slaves to earn their freedom through written

(8) Ban prostitution to purify society. After all these commands and instructions, a warning is
being given that now if the people violated these instructions it would only mean that they wanted to
meet with the same doom as the lot of the wretched communities before them, whose stories
have been related in the Quran itself.

Grade XI Unit 4 Lesson 1 Authentic, Good, Weak

ACADEMIC YEAR 2019 -2020
(Authentic, Good, Weak)

Understanding the difference between authentic, good and weak hadiths.
Demonstrating the effects of circulating fabricated hadith to the individual and society.
Evaluating the efforts of scholars in their dedication to defend the hadiths of the Messenger.
Authentic – Sahih Hadith
Good – Hassan Hadith
Weak – Da’if Hadith
Maudu - Fabricated
II) Fill in the blanks:
Allah’s Messenger PBUH said, Verily, deeds are judged according to Intentions.
It is not permissible to circulate everything that we receive.
‘’Whoever tells lies about me deliberately, let him take his place in hell.
An authentic hadith is a hadith which is connected by a trustworthy chain of transmission.
If a hadith does not satisfy the requirements of sahih and hassan hadiths, then it is da’if.
1)Which is the second source of Sharia after the Holy Qur’an? And why?
Ans) Hadith is the second source of Sharia after the Holy Quran, as it interprets and confirms what is mentioned in the Holy Quran, not only this; it states the rules not mentioned in the Holy Quran.
2) In how many categories does the scholars divided hadith?
Ans) Scholars have divided hadith in two major categories:
First: Hadith in terms of the numbers of narrators.
Second: Hadith in terms of the acceptance and rejection (qabool and rad). This category includes Sahih, Hassan, Da’if and Maudu’.
3.) What are the aspects to identify the authentic hadith?
Ans) An authentic hadith is a hadith whose chain of transmission is connected by the report of a trustworthy, completely competent person from one similar to him from the beginning to the end ofthe chain of transmission without flaw or irregularity.
4)What does ‘’connected chain of transmission’’ means?
Ans) Connected chain of transmission means that each narrator has taken the hadith from his sheikh. The ‘Competence of the Narrator’ relates to the narrator’s truthfulness and his good morals.
5)What is the difference between Hassan and Da’if hadith?
Ans) A Hassan hadith is subject to the same conditions as a ‘Sahih’ Hadith; but here the control of narration is lesser than ‘Sahih’ hadith. If a hadith doesn’t satisfy the requirements of ‘Sahih’ and ‘Hassan’ hadith, then it is ‘Da’if (weak).
6)What is fabricated hadith?
Ans) Originally, it is not a Hadith; but it was agreed as a term to shed light on it and warn people of it. This is the kind of hadith attributed to Allah’s Messenger PBUH by liars and fabricators and it was not said by our Prophet in the first place.
7)who are fabricators of hadiths?
Ans) The fabricators of hadith are following.
The hypocrites who work on ruining religion.
Prejudiced persons who told lies about Allah’s Messenger to advocate their prejudice.
Story-tellers who earn their means of living by telling different stories and exotic narratives to please commoners.
Pseudo-religionists who fabricated hadiths on various deeds to encourage people to engage in doing good.
8)What aspects are there to identify a fabricated hadith?
Ans) The aspects to find a fabricated hadith are as follows:
Being in conflict with the holy quran and Islamic faith.
Inaccuracies in meaning and structure.
Being in conflict with inconvertible intellectual truisms.
Mocking scholars or prophets.
Containing excessive threat on minor wrong demeanours and exaggerated rewards for actions of obedience.
9) What warning was given by Prophet PBUH to tell lies about him?
Ans) The Messenger of Allah said: ‘’whoever tells lies about me deliberately, let him take his place in Hell.’’


ACADEMIC YEAR 2019 -2020

وفجرنا فـيـها (1-Let water springs burst from the earth
الأزواج (2-Pairs
نـسـلـخ (3-Remove
كـالـعـرـجـون الـقـديـم (4-Old date stalk
Allah urges man to work so that he feels the value of things and thanks Allah for his gifts.
The power of Allah resurrects the dead and raise them from their graves on the day of judgement.
1)What were the evidences of the power of Allah (SWT) in the verses 33-54 in surah Yaseen?
Ans) The evidences of his power and oneness are:
*Allah (SWT) brought the earth to life
*Establishing the order of the universe
*Facilitating transportation and diversity of its means
2)What was the description of the deniers in the verses?
Ans) Allah (SWT) gave signs that evidence his power, some people denied and turned away from those signs, did not spend from the gifts bestowed upon them by Allah (SWT), did not feed from the provisions given to them by him and denied the Day of Judgement.
3.) How did Allah (SWT) bring the earth to life?
Ans) He brought the dead barren earth to life with water, which is the essence of life .He brought from it plants and fruits for man and animals to eat .This is a gift from Allah (SWT) .This indicates the power of Allah(SWT) to resurrect the dead and raise them from their graves on the day of judgement.
4)How did Allah establish the order of the universe?
Ans) *Having night and day in a precise fixed sequence.
*He created the certain paths for the sun and moon which they follow very precisely.
5)How was Allah (SWT) facilitated transportation for mankind?
Ans) One of the gifts given by Allah (SWT) to man is that he facilitated for him means for transportation and moving around to see provision and try to meet his life needs. He protected man from harm through his mercy, therefore man must thank Allah for these gifts.
6)Explain the meaning of the verses 49 to 53 from surah Yasin?
Ans) *They do not wait except one blast which will seize them while they are disputing (49)
*And they will not be able to give any instruction, nor to their people can they return (50)
*And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the grace to their Lord they will hasten. (51)
*They will say, ‘’O, woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping place?’’ The reply will be,
‘’This is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth.’’ (52)
*It will not be but one blast, and at once they are all brought present before Us (53)

Grade VII Unit 4 Lesson 1 Note - Surat-Ar-Rahman

The Model School, Abu Dhabi
Note - Surat-Ar-Rahman
Unit 4 Lesson 1

Learning Objectives :

Explain the meanings of Qur'anic vocabulary.
Explain the overall meaning of the verses.
Infer manifestations of the mercy of Allah
Explain aspects of the greatness of Allah () through His gifts.

Quranic Vocabulary:

صَلْصَال     Dry Pottery
مارج         Flames
برزخ         Barrier
بالقسط        With Justice
الجوار        Ships
كالأعلام       Like Mountains
لؤلؤ          Pearls

Meaning of the portion :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Most Merciful (1) Taught the Qur'an, (2) Created man, (3) And taught him eloquence.
(4) The sun and the moon move by precise calculation, (5) And the stars and trees prostrate
(6) And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance (7) That you not transgress within
the balance. (8) And establish weight in justice and do not make deficit the balance. (9)
And the curth He laid out for the creatures. (10) Thereint fruit and palm trees having
sheaths of dates (11) And grain having husks and scented plants. (12) So which of the favors
of your Lord would you deny? (13) He created man from clay like that of pottery (14) And
He created the jinn from a smokeless frame of fire (15) So which of the favors of your Lord
would you deny? (16) He is Lord of the two sunrise and Lord of the two sunsets. (17) Sa
which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (18) He released the two seas, meeting side
by side (19) Between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses, (20) So which of the
favors of your Lord would you deny? (21) From both of them emerge pearl and coral (22)
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny (23) And to Him belong the ships with
sails elevated in the sea like mountains. (24) So which of the favors of your Lord would you
deny? (25) [Surat Ar-Rahman

Fill in the blanks:

  • Between them is a ___________________so neither of them transgresses
  •  From both of them emerge ________________and coral
  • And the heaven He raised and imposed the _________________
  • He is Lord of the two sunrise and Lord of the two ________________
  • .And to Him belong the ships with  ____________ elevated in the sea like mountains

Match the Following:
The balance used by merchant                       Volume
The balance used by clothe seller Weight
The balance used by seller of boxes and tanks Temperature
The balancing done by Judge of a court Testimonials
The balancing done by air conditioner Length

Answer the following :
  1. What is the benefit of having two sunrises and two sunsets?
It helps to have changes in weather. People on earth gets weathers of winter,
spring, summer and autumn.  
  1. What is the negative effects of modern ships in marine life?
It poses danger for marine life where it produces sound and
also causes threat of polluting marine water.
  1. What is the importance of justice in balance?
Allah (SWT) created sun and moon with precise calculation.
He created Heavens and balanced it. Then He ordered man
to keep balance in everything with justice and not to break balance.
As successor of Allah on earth, man is responsible for keeping balance with justice.
The Government of UAE is a very good example for keeping this balance.
The government made the country number one in palm tree plantations.
There are 40 million palm trees in UAE. It helps to keep balance against global warming.
  1. How can you prove that making every creatures subject to man is evidence on
  2. Oneness of Allah?
If there were more than one God men would not be given power on all creatures.
Each god will have separate realm of power and each realm of power
will be out of the control of the other god.
  1. Mention two seas as gift of Allah which proves His greatness?
Allah (SWT) created two seas one with pure water and another
with salt water. Although they are merging together Allah created
a unseen barrier between them so that both of water remains with its original taste.
Allah (SWT) also created pearls and corals in both water.  
  1. Mention ships travelling using sails as favour of Allah? What is man’s responsibility towards Allah’s favours?
Before invention of machines ships were travelling in the sea using big sails.
People used to navigate the ship in the sea with the help of wind sails. Allah (SWT) mentions
the movement of these ships in sea with sails like mountains as one of His favours.
Man is ordered to be thankful to Allah (SWT) using his favours in goodness.  

  1. Explain Holy Quran as Mercy of Allah?
Allah (SWT) told us about His gifts to people and His mercy upon them;
He revealed the Holy Qur'an to our Master Mohammad (SAW) and made it easy
for people to understand and memorize. He demonstrated in it good and evil,
what is halal and what is haram, and made it mercy and guidance for the worlds.